Getting Started
Getting Started
To use Pokemon Unity, you must have Unity 2017.1 installed. After installing Unity, you can then clone the branch you'd like to use (master is for stable builds of the framework without any issues, develop is the WIP branch, which should only be used for testing or experimental purposes). You can also install Visual Studio Code rather than Visual Studio Community as the full VS package is not needed and can take upwards to 4gb of space.
Working in Unity
While this documentation will not teach you how to use Unity, it will demonstrate how to work with the framework in Unity. Open the 'Pokemon Unity' folder as a project (The one alongside 'TOOLS' and the readme) and then open 'startup.unity'. Going to the startup scene will bring you to the title screen. In the develop branch, this will also include the intro cutscene for starting a new game. Playable scenes are listed under the 'overworld' prefix. To edit anything code-wise, for example if you'd like to change the name of the player when you start a new game, you would need to head into the script the gameObject uses. More information on how to use Unity and C# can be found elsewhere.
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